Tohoku Nichireki Construction, Co., Ltd.
Pavement work resembling stone pavement on the road around the Odae River, asphalt work No. 020 in FY 2017
Urban Development Section, Construction Department, Osaki City
Commendation for Outstanding Construction Project
Construction period
From September 8, 2017, to January 19, 2018
Outline of the construction
Length of the right bank = 100.6 m Length of the left bank = 54.3 m Width: 2.0 m to 6.0 m
Pavement crushing : 410 m2, Clean filling : 410 m2, Binder course construction : 410 m2, Surface course installation work : 410 m2
Cement milk filtration : 410 m2, Shot blast : 410 m2, Design cut : 410 m2
Reason for the award
This project was part of the development plan along the Odae River, which flows through the center of the Furukawa area in Osaki City. It was ordered based on a policy in an attempt to improve navigability and staying comfort in the town by taking advantage of historic attractiveness unique to the Furukawa area by enhancing the pedestrian environment, allowing people to comfortably walk around and enjoy the commercial facilities as well as the unique historic environment and scenery along the Odae River.
This project involved constructing stone pavements on both sides of the Odae River. Before starting the construction, the construction staff, in cooperation with city officials, visited all households and commercial facilities in the area to explain the project.
Various innovative ideas were employed in this project. (1) During the cement milk infiltration work, spill prevention was ensured by using a double-layer method, which involved placing sandbags and applying sealing tapes. (2) To prevent crushed stones from entering the construction site, blocks were strategically placed. (3) To prevent oil spills during pavement construction, emergency oil absorption kits were placed at the site throughout the process. (4) The bridge located within the construction site was repainted. (5) To preserve the landscape, the pedestal bases of the lighting poles were nicely cemented when installing the street lighting. Meetings were held frequently with city officials to ensure high scores, smooth progress, and the preservation of area quality. Materials used in this construction were also carefully managed. In the end, the award acknowledged the constructive communication with city officials, along with the excellent quality and progress of the project.