Road Paving Business

Contracting for road paving, bridge deck waterproofing, water and sewage and other civil engineering work, including relevant survey and diagnosis, design, and administration processes

Paving Construction Methods

Developing and enhancing new construction methods and implementation machinery that satisfy all kinds of environmental conditions

Paving materials are intermediate products similar to raw materials. However, favorable the results of laboratory testing are found to be, these results will be of little value by themselves. Only with the accumulation of outdoor implementations will the materials begin to exhibit their true values as paving materials.
This is also the reason why the research into the most suitable paving construction methods and the development of implementation machinery that will satisfy the on-site needs must also be repeated to anticipate every kind of outdoor condition.
Further, as road development progresses and the amount of paved roads increases, the maintenance and management of these roads will also become very important, so that timely maintenance or repair work will be required.
In combination with its research into new materials and their implementation methods, Nichireki is tackling the establishment of the most effective methods for maintaining and repairing existing paving and is striving to develop unified systems which include road surveys, materials, and construction methods.

EMULTEC construction method (Ultra-thin layer paving construction method)
EMULTEC construction method (Ultra-thin layer paving construction method)
COLOR MODE EP (Visibility and surface enhancement)

COLOR MODE EP (Visibility and surface enhancement)

ASWOOD paving utilizing wood chips

ASWOOD paving utilizing wood chips

Management of Roads and Paving

Providing paving maintenance and management information using the latest measuring and information processing technology

For the maintenance of roads, the long distances covered by the roads means that efficient management will be an important issue, even more than for other social funding provisions.
To support this response, Nichireki maintains various types of survey and measuring equipment. The smart ROMEN CATCHER LY Series are automatic road surface condition measuring vehicles approved by the Public Works Research Center that simultaneously measure the three road condition elements of “cracks”, “ruts”, and “flatness”. (As of April 2010, Nichireki owns four of these vehicles.)

Automatic road surface condition measuring vehicle smart ROMEN CATCHER LY

Automatic road surface condition measuring vehicle smart ROMEN CATCHER LY

In order to practically carry out road maintenance and management, in addition to the road surface condition data described above it will be extremely important to arrange, store, and update basic road information such as the road management and characteristics data and the repair history data in an appropriate format. To realize this, Nichireki has constructed a comprehensive computer-based maintenance and management system which provides appropriate information.

Road and Paving Management System ROCS

Road and Paving Management System ROCS