

AF PHALT and AF PHALT H are polymer modified asphalts for use in recycled hot asphalt mixture.

The performance of the recycled hot asphalt mixture can be raised to the equivalent of a new mixture made using polymer modified asphalt type II.
These asphalts may be applied even for roads subject to heavy traffic, and they encourage the use of recycled aggregate as materials that are gentle to the environment.

AF PHALT is used in the situation where the recycled aggregate mixing rate is 0-30%, and AF PHALT H is used in the situation where the recycled aggregate mixing rate is 30-50%.


  1. Because the penetration is even greater than in the polymer modified asphalt type II, there is good matching with the aggregate, which greatly improves the properties and conditions of the recycled asphalt.
  2. Realizes a plastic deformation resistance, wear resistance, and fatigue fracture resistance that is the same or better than that for a new mixture made using polymer modified asphalt type II.

Comparison of dynamic stability depending on the difference in mixing amounts of recycled aggregate


  • Recycled asphalt paving for surface layers and base courses of roads subject to heavy traffic