Vehicle Lanes
SURFTREAT Construction Method
The SURFTREAT construction method is a preventive maintenance technique that revitalizes aged paveme…
Economically Efficient Construction MethodsEconomic efficiency, shortened construction periodEconomically Efficient ConstructionMaintainreduce CO₂ emissionsVehicle Lanes
SUPER ROMENPATCH is a cold applied asphalt emulsion mixture that has outstanding wear resistance. Th…
Mixtures for PavementEconomic efficiency, shortened construction periodEconomically Efficient ConstructionMaintainreduce CO₂ emissionsRepairing stepVehicle LanesIntersectionParkingBus lane, station rotaryBridge
RESCUEPATCH is a maximum 5mm sized aggregate, high durability, all-weather type cold applied mixture…
Mixtures for PavementEconomic efficiency, shortened construction periodMaintainreduce CO₂ emissionsRepairing potholesRepairing stepVehicle LanesIntersectionParkingBus lane, station rotaryBridge
SuperSURFTREAT Construction Method
The Super SURFTREAT construction method is a preventive maintenance technique that uses surface trea…
Economically Efficient Construction MethodsEconomic efficiency, shortened construction periodEconomically Efficient ConstructionMaintainreduce CO₂ emissionsVehicle Lanes