Corporate Philosophy
“Sowing seeds, giving them water, letting them flower, and reaping the fruits”
Continuously creating new business through the accumulation of unceasing effort
Management Philosophy
To ensure the Nichireki Group contributes to society by creating roads:
- We will supply road paving materials and their corresponding construction methods to satisfy requirements for outstanding functionality and cost,
- We will offer advanced consulting that watches vigilantly over roads, which are the common assets of the people, and
- We will implement construction technology that is trusted by customers.
By completely unifying these elements, the Nichireki Group considers its management philosophy as the aim of remaining a highly profitable corporate group that spearheads the creation of roads worthy of the trust of its stockholders and a wide range of customers. We also strive to ensure that every employee in the group can exercise his or her abilities to the fullest through meaningful work.
In our efforts to realize this management philosophy, we pledge to observe all laws and regulations while giving full consideration to environmental preservation and safety.
The Nichireki Group’s corporate culture embodies its corporate philosophy, as the combination of the “spirit of sowing seeds” statement at the top of this page and the management philosophy described above.