Mixtures for PavementPRODUCTS HOME TECHNICAL INFORMATION Search by Product Mixtures for Pavement Asphalt Emulsions SUPER TACKZOL CATIOZOL CME 1-3 CATIOZOL CPE 1-4 ASZOL A FIRMZOL Modified Asphalts POLYPHALT SS NICHIPHALT HDS REKIPHALT REKIPHALT SUPER SINOPHALT M TOUGHPHALT SUPER TOUGHPHALT SUPER M TOUGHPHALT SUPER R CHEMIPHALT MX TOUGHPHALT SUPER RV AF PHALT and AF PHALT H CONTAINERPHALT SUPER NONCRACKPHALT CLEANPHALT Type II SUPERCLEAN 50 CLEANPHALT Type H CHEMIPHALT SV Landscape Materials COLORPHALT CLEAR COLORPHALT TOUGH NICHIREKI COLOR COAT #1001 Primer CATICOAT S, CATICOAT SR, and CATICOAT R CATICOAT X SEROPRIMER Cement Concrete Materials SEROSEAL SEROSEAL SS NEOTAIYU SEALCOLD Crack Repairing Materials SAMI SHEET PM SHEET T and TM CRACKSEAL NX COLORSEAL N COALCUT K SEROSEAL SS ROPE Mixtures for Pavement SUPER ROMENPATCH TECHNOPATCH TOUGH RESCUEPATCH Pavement Supplementary Materials SEROSEAL SS TAPE BARADRAIN DRAINER COULER SW Search by Product Asphalt Emulsions SUPER TACKZOL CATIOZOL CME 1-3 CATIOZOL CPE 1-4 CATIOZOL GM ASZOL A FIRMZOL Modified Asphalts POLYPHALT SS NICHIPHALT HDS REKIPHALT REKIPHALT SUPER SINOPHALT M TOUGHPHALT SUPER TOUGHPHALT SUPER M TOUGHPHALT SUPER R CHEMIPHALT MX TOUGHPHALT SUPER RV AF PHALT and AF PHALT H CONTAINERPHALT SUPER NONCRACKPHALT CLEANPHALT Type II SUPERCLEAN 50 CLEANPHALT Type H CHEMIPHALT SV Landscape Materials COLORPHALT CLEAR COLORPHALT TOUGH NICHIREKI COLOR COAT #1001 Primer CATICOAT S, CATICOAT SR, and CATICOAT R CATICOAT X SEROPRIMER Cement Concrete Materials SEROSEAL SEROSEAL SS NEOTAIYU SEALCOLD Crack Repairing Materials SAMI SHEET PM SHEET T and TM CRACKSEAL NX COLORSEAL N COALCUT K SEROSEAL SS ROPE Mixtures for Pavement SUPER ROMENPATCH TECHNOPATCH TOUGH RESCUEPATCH Pavement Supplementary Materials SEROSEAL SS TAPE BARADRAIN DRAINER COULER SW SUPER ROMENPATCH ROMENPATCH is a cold applied asphalt emulsion mixture for the purpose of repairing paving bumps and fixing potholes. The small-amount package is ideal for small-scale repairs. Two types are available, consisting of a fine graded type and a coarse graded type. After pouring the asphalt emulsion in to the transparent bag containing the aggregate, mixing can be carried out simply by shaking the bag. Pour the mixture into the location that you wish to repair, and use a trowel to carry out the finishing. The trouble of weighing and of using machines will not be required. TECHNOPATCH TOUGH TECHNOPATCH TOUGH is a cold applied porous mixture for repairing potholes or locations where aggregate has been scattered in porous asphalt paving (high function paving). Because an epoxy resin is used as the bonding material it will have high durability, and by using a burner to heat and cure the resin it will be possible to open the road to traffic at an early period. RESCUEPATCH RESCUEPATCH is a maximum 5mm sized aggregate, high durability, all-weather type cold applied mixture (patching material). Because special modified asphalt is used, the mixture has an outstanding adhesive nature and exhibits high durability. RESCUEPATCH conforms to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government heavy traffic response and all-weather type quality standards (Civil engineering material specifications), and the Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. standards for cold applied mixture used in emergency repairs (Pavement Design and Construction Guidelines (Viaduct and tunnel version)